Thursday, July 25, 2019

What you need to Start Yoga

What you need to start Yoga?

You don’t need a lot to start yoga, most fitness centers or Yoga studios have mats for you to start with but if you want to take it to the next level I would suggest you get your own mat and maybe a block and a strap to help you get into those poses.

Yoga Mat
A yoga mat provides padding as well as a non-slip surface to practice on. A classic yoga mat is best for beginners, but upgrading to a thicker mat is recommended if you are practicing on a wood floor.

Yoga Props
Yoga props are very helpful when starting yoga. Use a yoga block to stabilize standing poses, use a yoga strap to go stretch further in seated poses and use a bolster or a blanket for restorative poses.
Yoga Clothing Wear loose or stretchable clothing is best for practicing yoga poses. There are many clothing manufacturers that specialize in yoga clothes, but you will pay a premium for the fit and performance, so you might want to start with what you already might have in your closet.

Yoga Practice for 30 Days

A great way to start your day is with a little Yoga, here I have put together a simple Yoga practice for 30 days, try a little Yoga each day and reap the benefits.A regular practice can offers all kinds of mental and physical health benefits.

It will only take you 15 minutes a day for the next 30 days, I will send you a variety of daily Yoga exercises and this will give you a better understanding on why Yoga is the best anti aging exercise for you.

Begin Your FREE Yoga Classes Today

Benefits of Daily Yoga

The main benefits of Yoga are flexibility, strength and relaxation. Yoga poses work by stretching your muscles which can help you move better and feel less stiff or tired.

When you're stronger and more flexible, your posture improves. Often people with arthritis see an improvement in their pain and mobility with regular gentle yoga practice. Most standing and sitting poses develop core strength, since you need your core muscles to support and maintain each pose.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Warrior Poses

Warrior Poses

There are three Warrior Poses to a flowing sequence and each of them have their own benefits, her I will explain the differences and benefits of each of the Warrior poses.

Warrior 1 – Virabhadrasana

Stand in Mountain Pose, inhale into Warrior bending the left knee
and stepping back with the right leg and angling your right foot at a 45 degrees. Both feet should be firmly planted on the floor. And the chest faces forward in Warrior 1.
    • Sink your butt so that your front knee is directly over your left foot, bent almost to 90-degrees. Pull your hips slightly towards the floor, bending that front knee. You want the kneecap right over your ankle, keeping your lower leg in a straight line. (You may want to adjust the placement of your back leg to get comfortable. This back knee should be slightly bent, not fully extended
    • On your next inhale, raise your arms above your head so your palms are facing each other, shoulder-width apart. Gaze straight ahead and focus on the power of the pose.

It is quite often challenging to touch the back foot flat on the mat especially on the outer part. For this reason it may be better to take the legs a little closer.

Warrior 2- Virabhadrasana II

The focus of Warrior II is to strengthen the front leg while opening the front of the pelvis and the chest. Warrior II develops concentration and balance . This pose improves circulation and respiration and energizes the entire body.

From Mountain Pose, step the left foot back about 4 to 6 feet. (Note: The length you step back depends on your height.) Turn the left foot to a 30 to 50 degree angle. Align the heel of the front foot with the arch of the back foot. Bend the front knee to a 90 degree angle so that the front thigh is parallel to the ground.
Planting the feet firmly in the ground, begin to open the torso, shoulders, and both hip bones toward the left side.

Next, with palms facing down, lift the arms to shoulder height. Arms should be parallel to the front leg. Let the coccyx travel down as the pubic bone lifts. Lift up through the rib cage.
Softly and slowly, take your gaze to the middle finger of the right hand.

To come out of Warrior II, exhale the arms down, turn the hip bones back to the front of the mat and step the back leg up to meet the front leg. End in Mountain Pose.
Repeat these steps on the other leg. 

Warrior 3 or Virabhadrasana 3 

From Mountain Pose lean the upper body forward while raising one leg back and up. Take the hands out sideways instead of straight in front as shown if you are just learning balance or balancing is difficult.

Push through the heels, toes or ball points of the feet. Pushing though the toes may be the best option because the energy of the force through the toes helps in raising the leg a little more but the ball points of the toes will also create a lift through the leg.

Align the hips horizontally. The raised leg has to be rotated inward to achieve a horizontal alignment. It is hard to maintain balance when doing this. The strength of the big toe on the supporting leg can prevent loss of balance when the inward rotation is applied.

Feel a stretch from the toes of the raised leg to the fingers in front of you. It takes many years to get a very straight feeling of energy through the body. The shoulders and legs have to be flexible quite flexible.